All energy can be channeled to be used for benefits or to harm. But by embracing yourself consciously as a sexual being the likelihood of using this energy to harm is highly diminished.
When you are sexually stimulated, you are raising this energy within you. The only question you need to ask yourself is: “what am I directing this energy towards?”
Sexual energy is creative energy. The sexual energy is meant to be channeled towards creation. Whether the creation is a healthy relationship, the creation of ideas or the creation of the lifestyle you want to live.
It’s time to let go of the old traditions and belief systems around sexuality that are based on punishment and reward. We have to progress as a species.
Orgasms are controlled by the autonomous nervous system (ANS). The same system controls your heart, breathing, respiratory and digestion.
When we reach orgasm, our frontal cortex automatically shuts down. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for behavior control. When its “out of control” we reach a deep state of surrender to the experience.
On an energetic level, when we orgasm, the entire body reaches a state of receptivity. All your chakras & meridian points are open to the flow of source energy. Alignment is occurring from your physical & non-physical perspective. It dissolves the ego, hence in tantra we use it to obtain enlightenment.
Like it or not, you are a sexual being. That sexuality doesn’t own you, it doesn’t dictate your behavior, because it is you, a natural part of you.
Much love,