Hello, I‘m Anita Milovac

As a Sensual Confidence Expert and Initiation Mentor, I am here to guide you into your sacred sensuality and sovereign power.

My clients affectionately refer to me as their “Transformation Guide” or their “Private Confidante,” and sometimes even as a “Master of the Mystical Arts.” Deep down, I am both a devoted student and teacher of Tantra, and a passionate seeker of scientific knowledge, delving into the realms of the occult and esoteric teachings. Initially focused on coaching and mentoring women, the growing number of inquiries led me to extend my successful services to couples and men, providing valuable therapy and coaching experiences.

“When women remember who we truly are – discarding notions of what we should be – we also remember our lineage. We remember Isis and every woman who has come to honor our vow as divine creators. We claim their stories as our own, we gain the Mastery to overcome the deeply rooted masculine-feminine imbalance within ourselves and our relationships. We stop giving our power away, and we begin to know that we are the rulers of our own damn lives !"

What is an initiation?

Unbeknownst to us, we often undergo spiritual initiation and face various tests throughout our lives. In both ancient times and in certain indigenous cultures today, there were elaborate preparations made to guide individuals towards accessing their spiritual power and attaining enlightenment.

Around seven years ago, I began to realize that even in our modern era, we too go through spiritual initiation. However, unlike in ancient times, we are not adequately prepared for it, and the topic remains largely unspoken of among many.

Given my personal connection to the subject, I could delve into the intricacies of spiritual initiation at length, particularly because I guide individuals through their own initiation journeys in my programs. Today, I would like to touch upon some fundamental principles that can shed light on this transformative process.

Spiritual initiation serves as a significant rite of passage, propelling you towards your higher power or the next phase of your  journey. Just as there are conventional rites of passage such as transitioning into adulthood, getting married, or becoming a parent, the spiritual path also encompasses its own set of initiatory milestones. You can envision these spiritual initiations akin to passing a test at the end of a school term, as they serve as markers of growth and evolution along our spiritual journey.

Throughout my personal journey, I have traversed numerous instances of trial and error, engaging in cycles of shadow work, and undergoing my own profound initiation. The process of learning and integrating your experiences brings about deep subconscious shifts that resonate within the very core of your being, ultimately leading to the acquisition of inner power, inner freedom, and wisdom. Wisdom, unlike knowledge that can be learned or taught, arises from the amalgamation of our experiences across this lifetime and beyond.

What I do

My Programs

My purpose is to serve as your guide and initiate you into your sovereign power and sacred sensuality. Through this journey, you will move closer to aligning with your soul's purpose, finding inner peace, attaining inner freedom, and unlocking the depths of passion, pleasure, fulfillment, and joy within you. Remember, self-knowledge is the key that empowers you along this transformative path.

Your Initiation into Sacred Sensuality
and Sovereign Power!

why choose me


Anita Milovac is a Sensual Confidence Expert and Initiation Guide who studied NLP/Somatic Coaching, Tantric Healing, Astrology, Womb and Somatic Therapy. Through her content and programs, she motivates thousands to experience the freedom of being in their power, epic sensual pleasure and live their life in full authenticity of who they are, away from the inherited traumas, judgements, old belief systems, guilt, shame, and balancetheir fears with absolute trust.

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NLP/Somatic Coaching

For transformation to occur, I include a key component that most coaching omits: the wisdom of the body. By moving you from your head into the body you will have access to all aspects of your intelligence – intellectual, emotional and physical. It helps you to heal past trauma, release tension, anger, frustration, allowing you to feel more comfortable in your body, identify and release outdated belief systems – and better manage the various emotions that pass through your mind into your pain body.

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Tantric healing

The holistic benefits of tantra are designed to heal and integrate mind, body, soul and sex. It can be an aide to transform sexual shame into pleasure, creativity and empowerment. Applied to our modern lifestyle, it can help you: Repair and deepen your connection to your body using the healing power of pleasure, heal your heart from past wounding, re-establish healthy and enriching relationships, activate your full orgasmic potential, deepen your intuition, dissolve mental/physical/emotional armoring and much more.

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Womb Practices

The Womb isn’t just a physical organ. It encompasses the entire energetic space of that region and is our seat of deep wisdom and our creative power center. Womb Healing helps to restore your womb to its original innocent state. Intuitive healing techniques combined with energy work and bodywork can help clear trauma and emotional blocks from the womb, as well as imprints from previous lovers. It can also help dissolve energy cords of attachment, as well as support emotional healing from losses such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortions. Prepare to enter the deep Feminine Consciousness! Womb Healing is a profoundly transformational experience that has the potential to heal thousands of years of ancestral wounding.

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Dance Therapy

Energy moves in waves; waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. As humans, we are energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Dance Therapy, also known as dance/movement therapy or DMT, uses dance can help you heal emotion with motion. It will help you with social, physical, cognitive issues and improve your mental and emotional well-being. Dance is for women one of the fastest and most effective ways to drop into their bodies and sensuality through movement and embodiment.

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My mission is to help every woman to see how unique and special she is by breaking free
from who you think or were told you should be
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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7am - 8pm / Sat & Sun Closed



By Anita Milovac

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